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How to Care for Your BMW this Summer

Summertime! The word itself sparks joy, doesn't it? Sun-kissed beaches, long road trips, or just a Sunday morning ride, the summer season is the perfect time to hit the road. But hold on a minute! Ever thought about how your BMW feels during these hot summer months? It's essential to give your vehicle the extra care it needs during this season to keep it in the best possible shape. We know you love your BMW, and you would want to ensure it runs smoothly. So, let's get started on the journey to summer car care!

Understanding Your BMW

You might be thinking, "Understanding my BMW? Isn't that the technician's job?" Well, yes and no. Your technician plays a crucial role, but having a basic understanding of your vehicle will work wonders for you. Remember, you're the one spending the most time with it!
Just like humans, every car has its own personality, strengths, and quirks. Your BMW is a marvel of German engineering, known for its powerful performance, stylish design, and advanced features. But it also has its own unique needs for maintenance, especially in the sweltering heat of summer.

Getting to know the basics such as how your BMW engine works, how to check coolant and oil levels, the importance of tire pressure, and understanding your air conditioning system will make your life much easier. This knowledge will not only enhance your BMW driving experience but also help you spot any potential issues before they turn into big problems. So, let's buckle up and get to know how to take care of your BMW in the hot summer months.

Keeping Your BMW Cool

When the summer sun starts to beat down, we seek the comfort of cool indoors. But what about your BMW parked outside? The high summer temperatures can push your BMW's engine to its limits. It's crucial to maintain an optimal engine temperature to prevent overheating and keep your BMW running smoothly.
BMW of Okemos Summer Care Tips

Importance of Engine Coolant

Think of engine coolant as your BMW's personal AC system. It's responsible for regulating the engine's temperature, ensuring it doesn't overheat in summer's sweltering heat. A mixture of water and antifreeze, the coolant absorbs the excess heat from the engine and dissipates it through the radiator. A well-maintained coolant system will help your BMW run cool even on the hottest summer days. It's not just about comfort - it's a necessity for your BMW's health.

Checking and Refilling Coolant

"How often should I check my coolant?" I hear you asking. A good rule of thumb is to check it at least once a month. However, during summer, you may want to check it more often due to increased evaporation rates.
Here's a simple guide to doing it:
  1. Ensure your BMW is cool before starting. It's dangerous to open the coolant reservoir when your engine is hot.
  2. Open the hood and locate the coolant reservoir. It's typically a translucent bottle.
  3. Check the level of coolant. There should be indicators showing the optimal level.
  4. If it's below the recommended level, add the correct type of coolant (consult your BMW's manual to confirm the right type) until it reaches the right mark.
Remember, your BMW is more than just a vehicle. It's a well-engineered machine that needs proper care. And keeping your BMW cool starts with maintaining the right coolant levels!

The Essence of Tire Care

Ah, tires, the very essence of mobility for your BMW! Can you imagine your car without them? No, right? However, when it comes to vehicle maintenance, tires often don't get the attention they deserve. Their condition directly influences the performance, safety, and fuel efficiency of your BMW, especially during the summer months when the heat can take a toll on them. Let's shed some light on how to take care of your BMW's shoes!
BMW of Okemos Summer Care

Checking Tire Pressure

Who would've thought that something as small as air could have such a significant impact on your ride? Well, it does. Improper tire pressure can affect your car's handling, fuel consumption, and even cause tire failure. And guess what? Tires tend to lose pressure quicker in summer due to the heat. So, you need to check your tire pressure regularly.
Here's a quick way to do it:
  1. Purchase a quality tire pressure gauge if you don't already have one. They're inexpensive and handy.
  2. Refer to your BMW's manual or the label on the driver's door jamb to find the recommended tire pressure.
  3. Check the tire pressure when they are cold, preferably in the morning.
  4. Insert the gauge into the valve on your tire and read the pressure.
  5. If it's below the recommended pressure, add air at a gas station or using a home compressor until it reaches the suggested level.
Checking tire pressure might seem like a chore, but trust me, your BMW will thank you for it!

Choosing the Right Tires for Summer

Choosing the right tires for summer is like choosing the right outfit for a party – you need to consider the environment! Summer tires are specifically designed to perform in hot, dry, and wet conditions. They have unique tread patterns and rubber compounds to handle heat better and improve grip on both dry and wet roads.

When selecting summer tires for your BMW, consider factors like the type of vehicle, your driving style, local weather conditions, and, of course, your budget. And remember, always go for quality over cost. After all, your safety is riding on these tires!

Taking care of your BMW's tires during the summer can ensure a smooth, safe, and efficient ride. Plus, who doesn't love the feeling of new shoes, right? Even your BMW does!

Maintaining the Air Conditioning System

Picture this: It's a sizzling summer day. You're heading out for a drive in your BMW, and as soon as you sit inside, a burst of chilled air from the AC hits you. Ah, what a relief! But wait, what if your AC isn't working properly? That's a bummer, isn't it? Just as it's essential for you to keep cool during the summer, your BMW's air conditioning system also needs to be in top form to ensure your comfort. Let's dive into the world of BMW's AC care.
BMW of Okemos Summer Care

Regular AC Checks

Don't wait for the peak summer heat to hit before checking your AC. Regular AC checks can be a lifesaver, literally! Issues with the AC are not always easy to identify until you're sweating buckets. Therefore, getting your AC system inspected by a professional at the onset of summer can save you from a lot of trouble.

These checks typically include ensuring the AC compressor is working correctly, checking for refrigerant leaks, and confirming that the system's fans and belts are in good shape. Regular checks can prolong the life of your AC system and keep you cool all summer long. Because, let's face it, driving in a hot car is no fun!

Recharging Your AC

Have you noticed your BMW's AC not blowing as cold as it used to? This might be a sign that your AC system needs a recharge. The AC system operates on a closed loop, using a refrigerant to cool the air. Over time, small amounts of this refrigerant can leak out, causing the AC to lose its cooling ability.

Recharging the AC involves topping up or replacing the refrigerant and is best left to professionals due to the complexity of the task and the environmental concerns surrounding the handling of the refrigerant.

Remember, your BMW's AC isn't just about comfort; it's about keeping you cool and collected during your summer journeys. So, ensure regular checks and keep it fully charged for a chilled-out ride!

Protecting Your BMW's Exterior

Your BMW isn't just a car; it's a statement, a reflection of you. And just like you care for your appearance, your BMW's exterior needs a little TLC too, especially during summer. The heat, dust, and increased bug activity can all play havoc with your car's exterior. But fret not! With regular washing, waxing, and polishing, you can keep your BMW looking as good as new. Let's get to it, shall we?

Car Washing

Imagine taking a shower after a hot, dusty day. Feels good, doesn't it? Your BMW feels the same way about a good wash! Regular car washing is the first step in protecting your BMW's exterior. It helps remove dust, bird droppings, bug splats, and other debris that can damage your car's paint.

Wash your BMW in a shaded area to prevent the sun from drying the soap and leaving spots on your car. Use car wash soap, not dish soap or other cleaners, which can strip the protective wax from your car's surface. Start from the top and work your way down to the wheels, which are usually the dirtiest. Dry your car using a microfiber towel to prevent water spots and voila, your BMW is squeaky clean!

Waxing and Polishing

When it comes to elevating the appearance and preserving the paint of your BMW, the service department at BMW of Okemos offers an exceptional solution—the application of the renowned Simoniz treatment. This professional-grade service goes beyond a basic car wash, providing your BMW with an extra layer of protection and a stunning finish.

At BMW of Okemos, our skilled technicians begin by applying a high-quality car polish from Simoniz. This meticulous process smooths out minor scratches and imperfections, ensuring that your BMW's surface is flawlessly prepared for the subsequent application of car wax. The car polish optimizes the condition of your vehicle's exterior, setting the stage for exceptional results.
Following the car polish, our experienced technicians expertly apply a ceramic coating made by Simoniz. It serves as an effective barrier against the harsh elements your BMW may encounter. The specialized formulation of Simoniz ceramic coating shields your BMW from UV rays, road debris, and other environmental factors that can cause damage. By entrusting the application to our service department, you can rest assured that your BMW will receive the highest level of care and protection.

The Simoniz treatment performed by BMW of Okemos is not only about enhancing the visual appeal of your BMW but also about safeguarding its exterior from potential harm. Our dedicated technicians understand the intricacies of the process and utilize their expertise to ensure exceptional results. By choosing our service department, you provide your BMW with the superior care it deserves, making it an irresistible sight wherever you go.

Experience the difference that the Simoniz treatment performed by BMW of Okemos can make for your BMW. Trust our knowledgeable professionals to deliver outstanding results that will leave your vehicle looking stunning and protected for miles to come.

The Need for a Regular Check-Up

Much like how you visit the doctor for your annual check-up, your BMW needs regular check-ups too. The purpose? To ensure everything is functioning as it should. Regular check-ups are crucial, especially during the summer when the heat can accelerate wear and tear on your car. So let's dive into some key components of a regular summer check-up: oil changes and brake inspections.

Oil Changes

Oil, the lifeblood of your BMW, plays an essential role in keeping the engine running smoothly. It lubricates the engine parts, prevents overheating, and helps in maintaining the overall health of your vehicle. However, over time and with use, this oil can degrade and lose its effectiveness, necessitating an oil change.

During the summer, the need for oil changes becomes even more critical. Why, you ask? The heat can thin the oil, reducing its lubrication properties. The general rule is to change your oil every 5,000 miles or as recommended in your BMW's manual. Remember, fresh oil means a happy BMW!

Brake Inspection

Your brakes are one of the most crucial safety features of your BMW. They're your first line of defense when it comes to avoiding road mishaps. As such, regular brake inspections are non-negotiable, more so in summer when heat can affect your brake fluid and overall brake function.

A comprehensive brake inspection involves checking brake pads, rotors, lines, and fluid. Signs of worn brake pads or low brake fluid should be addressed immediately. After all, no one wants to find themselves in a situation where they need to stop, and their brakes are unresponsive.

In the end, regular check-ups, oil changes, and brake inspections will keep your BMW performing at its best over the course of your summer adventures. After all, isn't that what owning a BMW is all about? Adventure and peace of mind!

Closing Remarks

As we conclude our summer care guide, it's important to remember that your BMW is more than a car. It's your companion on the road, your symbol of excellence. And like any great companion, it deserves care, particularly in the challenging summer months.

From understanding your vehicle's needs, maintaining its engine, tires, air conditioning system, exterior, to regular check-ups, all these steps are crucial for a smoother, safer ride and a longer lifespan for your BMW.

But hey, summer's busy, and we get that. So, why not let the professionals at BMW of Okemos help? Our team of skilled technicians knows your BMW inside and out, ensuring it gets the top-quality summer maintenance it needs.

So, don't delay. Bring your BMW to BMW of Okemos today for a thorough summer check-up. Not only will you enjoy peace of mind, but you'll also ensure your BMW is ready for the best summer driving experience.

Owning a BMW is about the joy of driving and the pride in its upkeep. So, gear up for an exhilarating summer on the road, and remember, BMW of Okemos is always here to help. Here's to a fantastic summer of driving! Stay cool and drive safe.